Interaktiver Kurzfilm | maybeyouwillkbann2022-02-19T18:23:18+00:00 maybeyouwill INTERAKTIVER FILM maybeyouwill is a proof of concept for an interactive short that can be experienced by two viewers. concept | dir | edit | vvvv : Kevin Bann Watch VideoKinopolis | Premium Armchairskbann2022-01-27T20:34:40+00:00 Kinopolis | Premium Armchairs EXPANDED SOUND | Quintparallelkbann2022-03-17T16:28:50+00:00 EXPANDED SOUND | Quintparallel 5AM | Letting go while holding onkbann2022-02-11T21:50:54+00:00 5AM | Letting go while holding on FALKkbann2022-02-11T21:52:34+00:00 FALK MOUI | Temple of Goldkbann2022-02-11T21:48:34+00:00 MOUI | Temple of Gold